Now that December is upon us, it may be crunch time for planning your holiday party. Here are some quick and easy tips to plan an unforgettable evening that won't break the bank.
- First and foremost have FUN! Holiday parties are often had to celebrate all the wonderment the season brings, and the time you get to spend together! Enjoy the inviting, shopping, decorating, etc. (One trick I use is listening to festive music so my mood is light and happy while getting everything together before my guests arrive. I also try and remember that my guests are my friends or colleagues and they'll like me no matter what id do for the party! ) Your guests will be able to see and feel the fun you had in planning a party for them.
- Make it personal. Your party's atmosphere is elevated if there is a connection to each of your guests in the different elements. (food, wine, decor, etc.) If you are having your neighbors over, serve the bottle of wine or alcohol you had at your last get together or last year's holiday party favorite. If the party is for family, serve a favorite family recipe. You may also want, if possible, to display or use the gifts you received in recent years past to serve the food and/or beverages. The person who gave it will be honored that you are using it.
- Use one theme and stick to it. It is often overwhelming when shopping for a holiday party because of the vast options out there. Use your theme, whether it is a color scheme or a snowflake, to tie all your elements together. Invites, decorations, table settings, cocktails or mock tails, etc. You can have so much fun with this!
- Share the hosting duties. Team up with your husband, a family member, best friend, or neighbor and host the party together. My sister and I often team up to host parties and it works really well. We discuss before hand the theme and guest list, then divide duties between the two of us. She may prepare the appetizers and I will do the main course or dessert. We will each pick a beverage that compliments our guests as well as the food we have contributed. Sometimes, one of us will do all of the food and the other will provide all of the beverages that go with the menu and theme. It is a lot of fun to collaborate with someone else and it can also take off some of the pressure!
- Sending an informal invitation is okay. Using a service like evite for your last minute party will help you reach your guest instantly. It also helps you track your RSVP list.
Good Luck with your Holiday Party Planning! If you need further assistance or a party planner please email me: wendi@etherealevents.com
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