Are there any ways to give back while planning my wedding?
Hi S.S.,
There are so many ways to give back while planning your wedding. Right now in particular with the devastation in Haiti and down economy many vendors are offering their services in lieu of a donation to their charity. I will have more on this in a later posting, but the way to give back that is standing out in my mind and is close to my heart is We Heart Sharlane.
Sharlane is a dear friend to most of the people in the Seattle wedding industry. She is a creative genius that helps push the limits of the bridal industry. She is passionate, lively, and full of life! The event is happening tomorrow night. Here is the needed information:

What: A Fundraising Auction
Where: Herban Feast @ Sodo Park 3200 1st Avenue South, Seattle, WA. 98134
When: Thursday Feb 4th 2010 7-10pm
Who: EVERYONE! Please forward this email on to family, friends, brides to be or anyone that you think would be interested in supporting this amazing cause!
"Sharlane is a mother, a photographer, and our friend. This year began like a fairy tale, complete with a magical proposal from the man she loves. Like too many fairy tales, this one turned dark as Sharlane was diagnosed with cancer even before the wedding planning could begin. The diagnosis itself is scary enough, but so are the crushing costs associated. This is our attempt to help our friend, who has helped so many others herself.
The benefit we are throwing is all about love, life, laughter and art. We are so excited about the donated items, and know that even if you don't know Sharlane you can find something amazing to spend your money on for a Valentine's Day gift. In addition to buying something über cool and impressing your friends, you will also receive that warm fuzzy feeling from helping an amazing person. "
You can help Sharlane in four (4) easy ways:
· Donate money (it's PayPal -- too easy!):
· Bid on a silent auction item on Feb 4th (check out the list of amazing goods):
· Spread the word! Please pass this invitation along on Facebook, Twitter and email!
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