I absolutely love the idea of customizing your wedding in unique one of a kind ways. I recently found a website that helps you do exactly that,
Wedding Graffiti. It is a NEW way to add style to your wedding that is a little outside of the box. There are so many possibilities to choose from. You can use just one for something special, or many to unify your whole wedding, all the elements. I especially love the work that is placed on the walls. It is something your guest will remember for a long time!

It is so simple to apply and makes a big impact. It can be as modern or traditional as your wedding.
You can also customize little pieces throughout your reception.

It really adds a special touch to each part of your wedding. It shows your guest you put thought into EVERY detail they came into contact with.
I love the thank you for your guest located by the gift table, and an extra special dance floor art!
You wouldn't want to miss an opportunity to make your get away anything but memorable!
All images from
Wedding Graffiti Collections. From top left:
Focal points
Second row:
Both Black Tie
Third row:
Focal points
Black Tie
Last row:
Wedding Cars