A blog with planning tips, fun new trends, and info related to Ethereal Events.
Photo by Barbie Hull
"Today I am marrying my best friend, the one I laugh with, live for, dream with, and love."
~ Erin & Forrest Pangborn

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Show It Off! Display Worthy Guest Books!

Stuck trying to decide what kind of guest book you want? What’s the point? You’ll never look at it again anyway! Wrong!  Here are ten look at over and over, actually display year round ideas!                                                                          

1. Coffee Table Photo book: Make good use of your engagement or favorite photos of you as a couple! Use a picture of you on one side of the page and the other side blank for guest to leave you a personal message. This is a guest book you won’t want to wait until after the Honeymoon to read!

 2. Calendar: Set out a calendar, and ask your guests to find their birthday and sign their name. Now you’ll have a reminder for everyone’s birthday along with a wedding guest book.

 3. Puzzle: Ask your guests to leave a message for the happy couple on a puzzle piece. One night, you and your husband can read the messages together while putting the puzzle together. You can even add a personal touch by using a website to create a puzzle using a picture of you and your fiancée.

 4. Wishing Stones: You can purchase some stones from any hobby/craft store and display them either in a nice vase or bowl. Each guest can then write a ‘wish’ for the happy couple. The bride and groom can then display the vase or bowl of stones in their home.

 5. Postcards: Provide various post cards and ask your guests to write a message of happiness to you and your husband. Then after the wedding, ask either a good friend, or family member to send you the postcards through out your first year of marriage. It will add a special moment since you won’t know when you’ll be receiving the next postcard.

 6. Quilt: If you have a family member or friend who knows who to sew, they may be willing to help you create a quilt for your wedding day. You can set the quilt out and ask guests to sign the guilt, which you and your husband can use later. If you can’t get the quilt sewn prior to the wedding, you can just ask guests to sign the quilt squares and then sew the quilt together after the wedding.

 7. Jenga: Every marriage has building blocks; why not build blocks together? Ask guests to sign wooden pieces from the game Jenga. Then on your anniversary, you and your husband, can play the game together, sharing the advice, or well wishes on each block as you earn them throughout the game.

 8. Wood Initial: Big letters are common at arts and crafts stores. Why not purchase the initial of your new last name. You can paint the letter, and add any special embellishment you like to the letter, and then ask your guests to sign the letter. After the wedding, the initial can become wall decoration.

 9. Time Capsule: Ask guests to leave messages to the bride and groom, photos, or memories you may share with the couple in a time capsule. Then open the time capsule on your first wedding anniversary or even your fifth anniversary, and take a stroll down memory lane.

 10. Wood Chair/ Bench: Purchase a wood bench or porch chair from any home improvement store and ask your wedding guests to sign the furniture. You can then seal over the wood so the messages don’t get ruined and place the bench or chair out in the backyard or patio. Every time you sit in the chair you can read the messages and names and remember your wedding day. This is a bigger guest book, to move, but the memories are worth it.

Picture Links:
2. Bench: http://1elegantevent.blogspot.com/2012/10/alternative-guest-book-ideas.html